Hidden Cameras, Spy Gadgets, Nanny Cameras, GPS Tracking - CALL TODAY +(281) 550 - 7797

Central Spy Shop, Houston's Premier Spy Shop!

The largest selections of spy products

Central Spy Shop® has one of the largest selections of spy products around and is quickly becoming one of the most popular Spy Shops in the USA. Central Spy Shop is Houston's Premier Spy Store.

Unique hard to find items

We specialize in unique hard to find items that cannot be found elsewhere for your spying needs. We also carry a wide selection of self defense products so you can be on guard at all times.

Visit our Showroom

Our main store is located in Houston, Texas and we can ship around the world. If you don't see what your looking for on our site just ask, we can usually get it.
As told by our Official Spokesperson Richard "JAWS" Kiel!

Customers range

Our customers range from concerned parents seeking protection for their children or even concerned spouses, to business owners needing to know what's going on in their stores to Private Investigators and law enforcement seeking solutions for different situations, as well as, celebrities wanting private transactions.

  • Concerned Spouses
  • Business Owners
  • Private Investigators
  • Law Enforcement

We have everyone from Celebrities to personal protection companies that have ex-special ops personnel who choose our products. Private investigators like to stay on top of their game, because the technology is always improving. They know they can rely on us to have the latest and best tools for their trade. Law enforcement, both uniformed and plain clothes (undercover) are regulars at Central Spy Shop.

Extensive inventory

Central Spy Shop has an extensive inventory of state of the art surveillance and counter surveillance equipment ranging from home surveillance systems you can view with your smart phone to Nanny cams as well as an extensive array of personal protection products.

  • Video Surveillance
  • Listening Devices
  • Counter Surveillance
  • GPS Tracking Systems

We’ve built a solid reputation of offering the very latest in surveillance technology. We are well known for having the latest dependable products to fit your needs no matter what your dilemma is. No matter if it’s over the phone, on our website, or in our store, we pride ourselves for working hard to make our customers happy.

Find our Store

Also, we are constantly running specials in our retail store that are not online.. so come in today and see what we have to offer.

Central Spy Shop

Open Monday-Friday 10-5 Saturday 10-4
or Call to schedule an appointment

15612 FM 529
Houston, Texas 77095
Ph: +(281)550.SPYS (7797)


To all of you, from all of us at Central Spy Shop®, Thank you and Happy Shopping!

Note: In-stock items are not always at our Hwy 6 store but can be mailed directly from our warehouse to you, or to the store for pickup.